hey guys! I'm sorry i haven't kept up with my blog as well as i should have. I've been really busy lately and honestly have barely had time to catch a breath, but i did have time to watch the news on Friday to hear that a man was trampled by customers at a Walmart in Long Island. If anyone else caught that story, I'm sure you were as horrified as I was, but if you didn't hear it, I'll explain what happened.
Now, black Friday has always been a sort of holiday in America, a day to wake up at the crack of dawn and head to a mall or store to purchase sale items. I completely understand wanting to save a few dollars because of the way the economy the way it is and everything, but seriously, to trample over a man and ultimately kill him his a little out of hand.
On Friday morning at around 5, the doors of this New York Walmart opened to allow over 2,000 anxious customers to rush in. Through the chaos, 34 year old employee Jdimytai Damour was pushed to the ground by the crowd and was ran over by the stampede until he was dead. Fellow employees saw what was happening and tried to get to him, but with all the people they could barely break through the crowd. When the paramedics finally arrived, they tried to revive Damour but had no luck. He was pronounced dead at 6:03 am on Friday morning, just an hour after the store opened.
Employees say that some customers refused to leave the store after Damour was killed. Others fought against the police that were guarding the store because the store closed and they wanted to buy Christmas gifts.
This story almost made me sick to my stomach. Have we, as a society, completely lost the true meaning of Christmas and the holiday season. I mean, yes, I do like getting gifts on Christmas morning and I enjoy watching people reaction when they open up the gift I gave to them, but nothing, to me, is more important that the gift of life. Just to think that people stepped right over this man to save money on a television or "Guitar Hero World Tour" is just insane to me.
I think we all just need to remember what the holiday season is all about, our family and friends and the love we have for them. I hope everyone can understand that Christmas isn't about gift giving or how much money you can save, its about being thankful for what you have.
This story aggravates me so much!! Lajfadsl;fja stupid materialistic people.
I could not believe what I was hearing when I hear this story. It made me so angry, and all to save a few bucks! Seriously, was it worth a man's life?
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