Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Love can be a very stressful thing, expecially when your an adolescent. I guess it's just because it's all new to us as young adults, and new things can often be scary. The topic of love has been on my mind alot lately, not because I have a new "love interest" or I've had a recent break-up, just because I've been thinking of how fast my life is going and trying to make it the best it can be. But without love, can a person still be happy? Or is part of being happy to be in love and have the life you've dreamed of?

I've been seeing so many couples lately, holding hands and acting cute, but sometimes I wonder how "in love" those people are and if they will last. To be honest, there are some people I see that, actually, make me sick. All they do act like they are completly in love, 24/7, and they have to let the whole world know by kissing all of the time in front of everyone. It's like they need to show it off, but is that really love? Does love have to be exploited, or is it something in the soul that isn't for other people to see?

All of these questions have just been boggling my mind and it makes me wonder if there is that one person, that one true soul-mate, out there for me and only me. It also makes me think if I will ever find that person, or if I will wind up being single when I'm an adult, like the "Sex and the City" girls. I know that I'm young and have my whole life to figure things out, but this has just been somethings I have been thinking about and, I'n not going to lie, it's kind of stressful. Will I be happy in the future? I guess I'll just have to wait and see.



Anonymous said...

Amanda, I can totally relate. Lots of times, I think I'm going to be single forever...hahhaaaaa. The only guys that seems to go after me are middle-aged, or just straight-up creeps. woot. But you're so cool and sweet, etc, so don't worry. You will definitely get married. :-)

Samantha said...

I think this post was written for me haha =P
I totally feel the same way! It was so bad in high school because people would really show off their relationships to make people jealous. They were always holding hands or making out in the hallways and it always made me feel bad because I've never had anything like that. Valentine's Day was always the worst because the love was always kicked up an extra notch. I think I'm going to be single forever too. My sisters think that being single is some type of disease, and they think there's something seriously wrong with me because I don't have a boyfriend yet. Yes, I would like to eventually have one (maybe before I turn 60 =P) but that's not going to happen any time soon. For now we should just try to make the most out of being single. =)

Anonymous said...

It's normal to feel like your getting older and you wonder what life's going to bring, but its something you shouldn't worry about. Your young now, so there's no reason to waste your younger years being held back. When your meant to be in a relationship you will be, and until then just have fun. You can't go around looking for things to happen because then they never will. Just go out and enjoy life and when you find the right person you'll know. And as for the whole couples trying to make you jealous thing, don't let it get to you. You'll find that once your in their position, you'll catch yourself doing the same things! =]

Anonymous said...

so Amanda, you have some serious posting to do by Tuesday! :o
hope you're having a good break. :-)

Beata said...

Love can be stressful at any age...but there is someone for everyone, that's what I believe anway... :)