Monday, December 1, 2008

Z-100 morning show

I was running late this morning for my 9 am child psychology class. I didn't wake up until 7:30, and in order to get to class on time, I have to leave by 8 am....oh the life of a commuter! So, I ran through my house trying to get ready and somehow managed to eat, get dressed, brush my teeth, do my hair, and make my face look half way decent all in 23 minutes.

I left by 8, as normal, and listened to Z-100 the entire way to school, just like every other morning. On the "Z-100 morning show", the normal morning crew talked about the usual things: male and female relationships, stupid news, crazy know, the things that make you laugh out loud to yourself in the car as you wonder how many people in the cars next to you are looking at you because your laughing to yourself.

Anyway, I laughed all the way until I reached Passaic ave. when another more serious topic started to evolve. The people on the radio talked about cheating on your spouse and how if you are happy with your life, there is no reason to cheat. Then that got into being thankful for what you have. The Elvis Duran introduced a women who called in to comment on this issue. Her name was Shelly and she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and has been going through treatment and is recovering fast. She said that she never realized how lucky she is to have her family and friends and thanks them everyday now for being there.

I found this fascinating how it takes something traumatic to make us realize how good we have it. We all take too many things for granted and sometimes i think we all just need to take a step back and be thankful for the things that are right in front of us.


Amanda said...

Amanda, I listen to the morning show everday on my way to school. I often find myself hysterically laughing while the person in the car enxt to me glares despisingly. I find it amazing how a show as comepletely ridiculous as this one can also be so sincere and touching. I think that is what I like most about it and that is why I keep listening.