Tuesday, December 2, 2008

my best friend!

After reading one of my classmate's post on best friends, I decided to write this post about my best friend. Jessica and I have been friends for 16 years...yes, we've been friends since we were two years old. You see, our mom's became friends when they were both pregnant with us because they went to the same doctor. Jessica was born in March of 1990 and I was born in August, but, even though her mom was alot further along in the pregnancy as my mom was, they kept in touch and went to each other's baby showers and stuff like that. When we were old enough to, Jessica and I would have play dates and our mom's would sit and talk as we played around like two-year-olds do. In 1994, Jessica moved to my town and we started school together in 1995.
Because me and Jess are both incredibly stubborn, we would get into fights alot when we were younger. I would want to play with Barbies and she would want to play with baby dolls and an argument would arise. There was many times when i called my mom to pick me up from her house because we had gotten into an arguement, but then, by the time my mom got there, we had apologised to each other and were off playing another game.
As we got older, we matured and Jessica and I left the fighting stage and became so close. Even though she moved away in 8th grade, we kept in touch and saw each other at lease once a month.
Now, as you can see by the picture, Jessica is 100% Chinese and her parents were born in China. Her family owns the chinese restaurant that I work at and I am so close to her family. I go to Chinatown with them all the time and I go to Chinese New Year parties with them. Next summer, I'm actually going to China with her family and we're also visiting Japan and Tailand. They have introduced me to a whole new culture of which I am completely facinated by.
Just as I have been introduced to the Chinese culture, my family as introduced Jess to the American culture, as well. Last year, Jessica, her parents, her sister, and her brother came over for their first Thanksgiving. Jessica also is celebrating Christmas with my family this year.
Now, Jess goes to school at New York University and I visit her quite often. She is my best friend in the entire world, and I know that she will always be there for me no matter what. We tell each other everything and we stick by each other through thick and thin. I am so lucky to have such a close best friend. She is my shoulder to cry on, the person I run to if I'm having boy problems, and the person who my future children will call "Aunt Jess." She's not just my friend, she's my sister.


Lindsay said...

This is so cute. It makes me think of my best friend. She is the only person who truly brings out the best in me and I know I'll always have her. I love this post.